Baby Name Poll Results

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Adelais vs. Adalay vs. Pron. (Ah deh LAY)

Okay this will be my last poll. I really like the name (Ah deh LAY) but I’m unsure how to spell it. Adelais is a latin version of the germanic Adelaide (I dislike Adelaide because of the LAID sound at the end). Adelais can be pron. either (Ah deh LAH eess) or (Ah deh LAY). I prefer the second pron. I like how Adelais looks but I worry it will be too confusing. The spelling Adalay would cut down on the confustion but it doesn’t look as elegant to me. Which do you prefer???? Thanks!

The Top Baby Name is...





Pron. (Ah deh LAY)


Poll created: May 14, 2011
Total Votes: 12


If you can spell it or pronounce it how will anybody else?
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report

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