Baby Name Poll Results

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baby vs. names

Why do people name babies, not adults? I mean, I know we’re all expecting a baby and will give the name to a baby, but our children are going to be adults most of their lives, so having a baby name won’t help them when they grow old. I’m just wondering because all the names that were suggested to me were so very babyish. Thanks!

The Top Baby Name is...





Poll created: May 15, 2011
Total Votes: 0


I agree!! I think some people just have a hard time imagining the cute little baby as a 40 year old in a suit smoking a cigar and making business deals...
Anywho, what kind of names did you ask for and would you still like suggestions?
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
Very good point made..... I have no answer LOL
I do, however, think that any name considered should be suitable for an adult as they will have many more years in adulthood than they do in childhood. However, what I find suitable for an adult will be completly different than what another person would consider suitable. That’s the power of personal opinion :)
People will name their children what they want to as they have in the past and continue to do in the future. The best we can do is be non-judgemental and teach our children to do the same. TIS THE WAY OF LIFE :)
posted by RavenMilo :: 12 years ago | report
Yes, I’ve seen that a lot on these polls too. Not as much in real life, so it kind of makes me wonder about how many of these polls are real, but still some. I’ve met adults named Zoe and Crystal and Lulu and I always think of those names as very childish, but it’s not like they can change their names, right?

I’d guess it’s because everyone sees themselves with this baby and then with a child, but no one really goes on to think about what their baby will be like when they go off to university.
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
However, we also need to realize that not everyone will be so wonderful and non-judgmental and that if we name our child something ridiculous and babyish people WILL notice, people WILL judge, and our child will pay the price.
I saw the name Bandit on a poll a few days ago. I would be more hesitant to hire someone named Bandit, to be honest--might not stop me, but if there was a Jillian or even Peyton who was as qualified...
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
What names are babyish? Style diffrence maybe
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
People don’t seem to realize that you can give a child a nickname irrespective of their given name, but you can’t give them a full name after the fact. The pp mentioned ’Bandit’ which might make a cute nickname if it suits the little child’s personality, but his name could very well be John and everyone calls him Bandit and when he goes to work he can start going by the much more professional John.
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
I personally find names like Caylee, Katie, Lacey, etc just kind of babyish but names like Buffy, Lovey, etc as real full names are ridiculous and definitely babyish
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
It’s not just people with childish names who look for a simple name to go by. I have a very foreign name and once people understand it and can say it there’s no problem, but no one hears right at first and it’s not worth spelling it out for people I meet briefly, so I use an English name that’s the closest to my given name. Don’t get me wrong, I love my name, but it gets annoying when you’re doing brief introductions and everyone as to stop and say ’sorry, what?’ ’I didn’t catch that’ etc.

Poster, what kinds of names were you looking for? I think I could give a fair estimation of names that would work ok for an adult.
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
lol that’s because most of the names on this site are meant to be out-there and yuneek and make people raise their eyebrows.
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
some people name babies, others don’t, i often give advice by posing the question, can you imagine a Grandpa named Kayden? or can you imagine a Grandma named Nevaeh? generally they get the point!
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
When anyone gives their honest opinion, some pipes up with one of the following comments:
-"that was rude ___poster.
-"don’t listen to negative comments."
-"it’s your baby, name him/her whatever you like."

Why even come to this site then?
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report

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