Baby Name Poll Results

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We vs. Can’t vs. Decide!!!

We don’t know the gender yet, but are trying to go ahead and pick some names out. We love Jocelyn Kennedy for a girl. But we can’t agree on really anything for a boy! We like Carson, but I just don’t know if I like that for a boy. HELP! any ideas? I need your opinion! The other names I like are: Bentley  Teegan  Ammon  Carsten Clayton Jace for MN Jonah for MN Keegan

The Top Baby Name is...







Poll created: May 15, 2011
Total Votes: 0


You don’t like Carson for a boy? It IS a boys name.

Jonah Carson
Keaghan Jace
Bentley Ammon
Carson Bentley
Jonah Ammon
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report

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