Baby Name Poll Results

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Do Sibling vs. Names Have to vs. Match???

I see a lot of posts that ask "which names sounds the best with my other children’s names." I’m wondering why that is such a big concern. I have one son who has a soft, gentle name. The name we have picked out for our next little boy could not be more masculine and is ancient roman in style. And the girl name we have picked out is totally "old lady" and from a very different era than the other two names. Does it matter? Do sibling names have to match?

The Top Baby Name is...

Do Sibling


Names Have to




Poll created: May 25, 2011
Total Votes: 22


No. Pick names you love. I have four boys: Nikolaus ’Klaus,’ Sebastian, Casey and Hayes. We’re thinking of naming our daughter Hermione. All of our names are different.
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
I think, more than anything, parents should ask "when I’m yelling my kids names 24/7, will these be easy to say?" It’s not a concern of if the match- more of if they sound good together. People want their children’s names to sound nice.
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
I think two kids names that are opposite in style isn’t a big deal, it’s having two or more kids with one style of name, and then one with a completely different style that makes that one kid seem like he/she doesn’t belong.
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
I don’t think it is too important to have matchy names. My first two kids do but I think the third will have something totally different.Just pick something you love!
posted by sd001 :: 12 years ago | report
I think it only matters if you want it to matter. Our oldest daughter’s name was fairly easily decided. Our next daughter was not as easy and we actually couldn’t come to an agreement until about a month before she was born. Now we’re expecting again and, as we don’t find out the gender ahead of time, we’re back to looking for another girls name. It has been rather difficult but we’re finally down to 4. If I was concerned about the names going together we’d really be in trouble. The names that I like are often very different from the names that my husband likes and therefore our "naming style" seems to be all over the place. I’m just looking to find a happy medium (a name we both like) at this point! That being said there are also definitely people who want their families to have a distinct feel to them. I think they are the ones who are looking for names that go together well...
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
Personally, I like names from the same "style family" (eg. Traditional, Vintage, Celtic, Mythological, Exotic etc...). But the bottom line is to choose names you love and that look and sound good together.
posted by Genevieve :: 12 years ago | report
I personally do not think that it matters. I would rather say names I love the rest of my life than names that matched.
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
I think MOST names go well together. The only real exception seems to be when someone goes for super unique names or names that easily fit into a category (Greek goddesses, Welsh names, etc etc).

For instance, it would be kind of weird if you had Persephone, Demeter, Achilles, and Joe.
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
No , not always, it just sounds better when you name your kids if they’re all different styles. Logan, Ella, and Parker sounds better than Logan, Ella, and Donovan, for example. However, if I really loved a name, I’d use it even I’d it didn’t fit my kids names exactly. I don’t like it when sibling names end in the same sound either. But normally, I’d still use it:)
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report

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