Baby Name Poll Results

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If you vs. Were Too...?

Hi! If you were to have say one girl, one boy and twin girls (gender not important) What would you like their order to be in age? Twins oldest? Twins youngest? etc... Thanks!

The Top Baby Name is...

If you


Were Too...?


Poll created: Jun 08, 2011
Total Votes: 1


strange poll
I don’t get the gender not importate. You gave the gender of all the kids.
Well for me i’d like
so I would have a little from older children with the two smaller children.
my I ask why you are asking such a question?
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
sorry that should be
so I would have a little help from the older chlidren with the two smaller children.
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
I am not sure if this is what you mean, but I understand it as 4 kids (boy, girl, twins)

Then I would like to have
A boy,
4 years later a girl,
and then 2 years after the twins (Would prefer twin girls)

In reality I have:
Elias who’s 10
Caleb, he’s 7
Liam is 4
and then I got my little girl Ella.
posted by Willa :: 12 years ago | report
Well I actually have a son, a daughter and twin girls as well as an adopted son.

Ruben James (15)
Layla Rose (12)
Potter Cripin (6) (Adopted)
Sienna Claire (2)
Alyssa Charlie (2)

If I was to choose the order, It would be my twins first, then about five years later I would have my daughter, another two years later would be my son and then a few years later I would have adopted my other son. strange Poll! Interesting though.
posted by Kelly :: 12 years ago | report

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