Baby Name Poll Results

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Elex vs. Yes vs. No?

We’re having a baby girl in the beginning of November!She will be our second, joining 4 year old Kimberly Hope. We were oringingally thinking Alexandera (Alex) or Elisabeth (Ellie).Our four year old, when asked, suggested "How ’bout Elex?" It first seemed very out there, but now We’re seriously condsidering it. Any opinions or suggestions are welcome! Thanks!

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Poll created: Oct 03, 2011
Total Votes: 4


Maybe something like Elexi? I think Elexia or Elexi would be prettier that Elex.
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
No to Elex.I do really like Alexandra though.I like Elisabeth too but I feel like Kimberly and Alexandra are the better fit.
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
If you like it, go for it! But I prefer Elexia-it seems more girly and feminine.
You could, as your daughter said, name her something inbetween Elizabeth and Alexandra. Elandra, maybe? Anyway, Good luck!
posted by Guest :: 12 years ago | report

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