Baby Name Poll Results

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Another J name vs. or use something else?

I am 22 weeks pregnant! This is our 4th child. We do not know the sex yet as he/she is being uncooperative. We have twin boys named Christopher Seth (Chris) & Jonathan Scott (Jon/Jonny) who are 9 and a little girl named Claire Elizabeth who is 3. We have had family members tell us that we should use another J name to balance it out. What do you think? We do like the names Jacob and Jeremy for a boy and Jessica & Jenna for a girl, but like other names as well. DH likes Brianna, Megan, Logan (for boy), and Matthew and I like Natalie, Brenna, Aiden (for boy) and Zachary. Should we go with another J name or use something else? I don’t want this child to feel left out. Thanks, Chad, Whitney, Chris, Jonny, Claire & baby #4

The Top Baby Name is...

Another J name


or use something els


Poll created: Jan 04, 2008
Total Votes: 4


I think you should use a name you love, no matter with which letter it begins.
posted by guest :: 16 years ago | report
I dont think it matters so much that the names have paired letters. But if your really into it why not a W name to match up with Whitney. So far you and Jonny are unique.. so why not another letter name that you love then there will be three with different letters and 3 c’s. No one is left out that way.
posted by guest :: 16 years ago | report
good point! thanks
posted by Whitney :: 16 years ago | report
Go with a name you love. You have 3 options, go with a W name, go with a J name, or go with any letter. 3 with C’s and 3 without is okay too.
posted by guest :: 16 years ago | report

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