Baby Name Poll Results

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miles sawyer vs. find other name vs. pick nickname

Overwhelmed with what to call our son. He is 3 months old now and we are still not settled on a name to call him. We have named him Miles Sawyer and the Miles and the Sawyers ( who didnt care for each other anyway,to put it mildly) are both wanting me to use their name to call him by. I have thought about changing his name altogether. I was thinking of Miles Jasper (which is also a family name on the Sawyer side) and calling him by that name to make peace. My husband doesnt want to change the name. Anyway,looked at Siler(a combo of the name) but just found out it was a name of a villian on tv show. My husband will let me change the name if I want to but he would prefer for me to just stick with it and find a nick name. Thats easier said than done.Any help would be helpful. Thought of siles, silas, miler and milo as well Milo has been ruled out by husband.

The Top Baby Name is...

miles sawyer cotton


find other name cotton


pick nickname cotton


Poll created: Oct 09, 2011
Total Votes: 1


Call him by his first name, Miles, and be done with it.
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
You named him Miles. Call him by his name. Have you been calling him baby for three months?
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
Agree with the first poster. His name is Miles Sawyer. He is not anyone else’s baby, he’s your baby. Tell them his name IS Miles and leave it at that.
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
just change it if that will make you happy
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
Seriously? - this is YOUR (and your husbands) child. Call him what you want. Tell your families to back off.
posted by g :: 12 years ago | report
Call him Miles. That’s his first name. He’s your kid. Do you even like the name Miles Sawyer?

Or call him something completely different for a nickname.
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
Well my way around this was by putting miles first and Sawyer second and calling him Sawyer. The problem is that my mom says that the name Sawyer (her mother in laws maiden name,my grandma) brings up bad feelings with the name association because of how she treated her.( yes it was really bad) She will call him anything we want though but its one of those names that just bring a bad feeling for her. My Aunt on my dads side is not happy with the rest of our children being named after my moms side (their were better names their to choose from besides Sawyer and Jasper. Her mom (my grandma) was very excited about us using Sawyer and being that she just passed away My Aunt is not happy that we are contemplating using Miles instead of Sawyer now. .
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
Ok - I’m may be sounding harsh here, but this post is extremely frustrating to me. Did you not birth this child 3 months ago? If so, YOU the parent. You are going to have a very tough road a head of you with parenting if you let your families control everything. How frustrated is your poor husband over this???
posted by g :: 12 years ago | report
To answer the above question. Yes, we loved both of those names. Unlike many of the people that have used those names before they were also family names.
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
STOP making such a production--- you named him Miles!! It’s a cool and unique name... he’ll like it later. Leave all the family junk out of it and call him by his NAME!!
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
ok to the frustrated poster...:) I actually went agaisnt my mom in naming our child. We did like both Miles and Sawyer and she was pushing for Charles.
The truth is we loved the named themselves. I guess we should just stick to our guns. I love both names but am not trying to upset anyone (so I guess in doing that I could set myself up to be controlled by my family without meaning to be)Would the name to be recieved by everyone but you cant have it all.
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report

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