Baby Name Poll Results

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Cohen Jaxon vs. Cohen Michael vs. Cohen William

All middle names are family, and yes, Jaxon with this spelling only, as it has family significants.

The Top Baby Name is...

Cohen Jaxon


Cohen Michael


Cohen William


Poll created: Jan 08, 2008
Total Votes: 11


If you don’t mind my asking...Is there another Jaxon in your family?? The reason I ask is my 4 yo is named Jaxon and we spelled it that way so my husband could have a part in it. He didn’t like Jaxon at first but as soon as he had a part in it, it was fine. Imagine that!! Anyways, there have been several Jaxon spelled exactly the same since mine. We live in a very small town and I think it sucks to be so unoriginal. We put announcements in the paper and things just like everyone else but I have stopped doing it as much because I think that’s how they found our name. So I like Jaxon.
posted by guest :: 16 years ago | report

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