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middle vs. name vs. dilemma

We are adopting two sisters from Russia soon, and we’re having a dilemma as to their names. We know that we will be changing their first names from Aleksandra and Yekaterina to Sasha and Katya. They are called Sasha and Katya anyway, so we aren’t worried about that. We are at a standstill for their middle names though. They have the patronymic middle name, which goes along with Russian naming practices. But because they are sisters, they both have the same name--Valeriyevna. We don’t really want to change their names dramatically, but we aren’t really comfortable with them having the same middle name either. We’re considering changing one middle name to Valerie/Valeria, and leaving the other Valeriyevna, but how would we justify changing one and not the other? Do you have any suggestions? Thank you!

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Poll created: Mar 29, 2012
Total Votes: 1


How about splitting the name? For example, giving one girl the Valerie/Valeria beginning of the name and then giving the other girl a name like Eva that is the ending of the name.
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
Sasha Valerie and Katya Evanna?
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
I like poster 1 idea A LOT!!!!
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
How about using their given first names as middle names?
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
What about...

Sasha Valentina
Katya Valeria

Do you like?
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
I really like the idea of Valeria and Evanna! Thank you!

If we used their given first names as middle names, their names would be Sasha Aleksandra and Katya Yekaterina. It would make much sense, and the names don’t go together very well, in my opinion. Thank you though.
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
And I also like Valentina and Valeria. Thank you.
posted by guest :: 12 years ago | report
Valentina and Valerie! I don’t like Valeria. It sounds funny to me.
Sasha Valentina and Katya Valerie OR
Sash Valerie and Katya Evanna
posted by mama :: 12 years ago | report
Really like Sasha Valerie and Katya Evanna.
posted by Kitee :: 12 years ago | report

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