Baby Name Poll Results

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Mikey and Michelle vs. too close vs. ok

I have two kids, Michael (Mikey) and Trisha, and I am expecting my third. I love the name Michelle, but are Mikey and Michelle way to close to be names of siblings? Also I like Bryant if it is a boy. What do you think of that name? Thank you - Valerie

The Top Baby Name is...

Mikey and Michelle


too close




Poll created: Feb 25, 2008
Total Votes: 16


What about naming her Rachelle? Pronouced (ra-chelle like mi-chelle). I think that would be different and not too common. It seems like if you had Michael and Michelle...Trisha’s name woudle kind of not fit in.

posted by guest :: 16 years ago | report
Bryant is nice too for a boy I like it.
posted by guest :: 16 years ago | report
They arent too close at all..
My fiance is named Michael he has a sister named Michelle.. they are two different names and don’t sound anything alike. I know Michelle is supposed to be the feminine form of Michael but they sound nothing alike.. maybe if you were gonna use Michael and Michaela.. or Paul and Paula where there is only one letter different or they sounded almost the same...
posted by guest :: 16 years ago | report

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