Baby Name Poll Results

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Aleksandr Josef vs. Aleksandr Grigori vs. Aleksandr Mikhail

We’re Eastern-European and my husband and I have decided on Aleksandr as the first name for our son (this is certain and yes it will stay spelled this way - that’s not up for debate). At home, he’ll be called Sacha (EE nickname for Aleksandr) and I suspect he’ll probably use Alek once he goes to school. Which middle name sounds best? Open to other Eastern-European mn suggestions. Thanks! Anya & Nikolai

The Top Baby Name is...

Aleksandr Josef M (9 letters 3 sylla


Aleksandr Grigori M (9 letters 3 sylla


Aleksandr Mikhail M (9 letters 3 sylla


Poll created: Mar 03, 2008
Total Votes: 15


If your Russian, then I would do the traditional thing and name your kid Aleksandr Nikolaevich then last name. For non-Russos reading the poll, Nicholaevich means ’son of Nikolai’. It was and still is common to give the child their own name the day they are baptized and father’s name then surname.
posted by Yvette :: 16 years ago | report

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