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Breast vs. Bottle

Just trying to decide whether to breast or bottle feed my baby. Wondered what other people have done. Did you breast or bottle feed? Why? If you breast feed, how long for? Would appreciate your advice. Kate

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Poll created: Apr 20, 2008
Total Votes: 8


I breast fed exclusively for 6mo, and continued for 1 year... Why? Because of all the benefits, and I had the time while I was on maternity leave. I won’t drill it into other people who might not have the time. That’s what I did and it worked for me.
posted by Melanie :: 16 years ago | report
Do you work? Because I quit working when I had my first daughter, so I had the time. But if you work it might become a hassle. I loved breastfeeding my girls and plan on doing so with my new baby, but it’s up to you what you’re comforatble with. Good luck!
posted by Becky :: 16 years ago | report
I breastfed both of mine for 2 1/2 years (6 months of exclusive breastfeeding, then slowly introduced solids). Ya know, you can always try breastfeeding and then change your mind but it’s very difficult to choose bottlefeeding and then go back and try breastfeeding instead. Here’s something to keep in mind: The first few weeks of breastfeeding are difficult. Ask the hospital for a lactation consultant no matter what, or call up La Leche League. You can get advice that’ll make the first few weeks easier, but there will be times when you think "Oh my God, there’s no way!" I promise, it almost always gets better. After the first few weeks, it gets totally comfortable and routine -- you stop having things like it hurting when the baby latches on and the other breast spraying milk around while the baby is eating. Nobody would do it if it kept being like the first couple weeks! But the antibodies and stuff that are in the first months of breast milk are so hugely important that it’s worth anything.
posted by guest :: 16 years ago | report

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