Baby Name Poll Results

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Porter ???? vs. Jesse London

Help!!! What do you think?

The Top Baby Name is...

Porter ???? Gilliland


Jesse London Gilliland


Poll created: Apr 21, 2008
Total Votes: 5


Porter, I am starting to love. It’s been in my family forever but I always thought it was weird but now it’s growing on me. Though, I’ll probably never use it.

Porter Brody Gilliland
Porter Brady Gilliland
Porter Justin Gilliland
Porter William Gilliland
Porter Nathaniel Gilliland
Porter Owen Gilliland
Porter Lochlan Gilliland
Porter Milo Gilliland
Porter Miles Gilliland
Porter Micah Gilliland
Porter Finley Gilliland
Porter Declan Gilliland
Porter Carson Gilliland
Porter Nicholas Gilliland
Porter Jesiah Gilliland
Porter Josiah Gilliland
Porter Joshua Gilliland
Porter Brighton Gilliland
Porter Britain Gilliland
Porter Henry Gilliland
Porter Sloane Gilliland
Porter Jackson Gilliland
Porter Jamison Gilliland
Porter Emerson Gilliland
Porter Ellison Gilliland

I don’t like Jesse as a full name. However, I can’t even think of a full name for it, besides Jesiah which is a variant of Joshua. London is okay. It still is a "boys" name and hasn’t been declared "unisex" by the internet sites. I just don’t like it with the name you’ve chosen.
posted by guest :: 16 years ago | report
What about Porter Lane?
posted by guest :: 16 years ago | report
Well, my husband’s great-great grand father was Jesse London....he thinks it would be kind of neat to see it again in the family tree.....I’m not sure I like it. We both LOVE Porter but can’t decide on a middle name.
Rita and Tim
posted by guest :: 16 years ago | report
Porter London isn’t too bad since you want to keep it in the family.
Porter was passed down through our family, beginning with Hiram. So, we have Hiram Porter 1-3 and then it was just Porter as a middle name from there. Not everyone uses it but a few. It’s a nice way to keep it in the family and honor someone.
posted by guest :: 16 years ago | report

posted by guest :: 16 years ago | report

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