Baby Name Poll Results

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Opinions vs. Please

Hi! We are expecting a little girl and are looking for your opinions on each of the names that we like. The names will be in the first comment. I would love to hear any middle name suggestions as well. Thanks so much for your help. :)

The Top Baby Name is...





Poll created: Jun 20, 2013
Total Votes: 0


Here’s our list...


Meredith is my mother’s maiden name, and I love it, but does it sound odd with our last name Dillon?

I would love to hear what you think of these names and which would be best for our little girl.
Thanks again
-poll poster
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report
Fav. - Least Fav.
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report
Lydia Meredith Dillon
Ramona Meredith Dillon

How lucky you are that your mom’s maiden name is so beautiful! I think Lydia is my favorite fn, closely followed by Ramona! Good luck!
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report
Lydia- LOVE IT!!!!!!
Maxine- Don’t like it at all
Odessa- Sounds really wierd and old fashioned
Georgia- Cant picture on a kid
Ramona- Reminds me of the book/movie Ramona+Beezuz
Meredith- Really, really wierd. No offense
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report
They are all beautiful names. Here’s the order in which I like them, but even the last are pretty.
Good Luck:)
posted by JJKidz :: 10 years ago | report
I like Lydia, Maxine, and Meredith the best from your list.

Lydia Odessa Dillon
Lydia Beth Dillon
Lydia Kate Dillon
Lydia Corrine Dillon
Lydia Helene Dillon

Maxine Meredith Dillon
Maxine Linnea Dillon
Maxine Brienne Dillon
Maxine Justine Dillon
Maxine Sara Dillon

Meredith Alyssa Dillon
Meredith Vanessa Dillon
Meredith Nina Dillon
Meredith Raquel Dillon
Meredith Elyse Dillon
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report
Meredith is a beautiful name. I also love Lydia.
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report
Favorite to Least Favorite:

1. Meredith (love this name, it’s so elegant, but has cute nicknames like Edie, Mere, or Merry)
2. Georgia (very pretty)
3. Maxine (spunky and fun, really like)
4. Lydia (meh, it’s pretty, but it’s not especially striking to me)
5/6. Odessa or Ramona (don’t like either one, really don’t like the nn Mona either)
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report
Recommendation: say each name out loud along with your last name:
Lydia Dillon (Love Lydia!)
Maxine Dillon (like!)
Odessa Dillon (dislike)
Georgia Dillon (love!!!)
Ramona Dillon (great combo!!!, Ramona’s good)
Meredith Dillon (like meredith a lot! No, it does not sound weird with your last name)

Fav!: Georgia/Lydia (or Ramona)
Least fav: Odessa

However, I think Meredith is lovely and if you want to honor your mother by naming her this, definitely do that! Good luck!!! :)
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report

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