Baby Name Poll Results

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Baby vs. Dilemma

We have a bit of a dilemma. We want to name our little girl after both my mother and my husband’s biological mother. The problem being is he’s been geographically closer to his father and stepmother for almost 7 years. His stepmother was also there for him growing up more than his mother was (for a period of 6 or 7 years) He sees it as we should name our daughter after both biological mothers.(First daughter for him first child for me. He has a son) The thing is I do not feel like it’s fair to his stepmother and she also found out and she’s a little disappointed. I don’t really know what to do... Any suggestions?? (He wants to use my mother’s name and his mother’s name he doesn’t want to use his stepmother’s name... he’s not talking to her or his father *due to a recent falling out*)But like I said I know that she’s been there for him more than his own mother was. Again, what should I do? Thanks

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Poll created: Jul 02, 2013
Total Votes: 1


You can’t really make him want to use his stepmom’s name. If you want to use it, not just because you feel bad but because you really want to, then talk to him and tell him that. But if you just want to make him use it because you think you should then I think it’s wrong. Maybe the falling out (not sure if happened before or after the name thing) has made him realize he doesn’t want to use her name.

Perhaps your husband wants to use his mother’s name also because she wasn’t there and wants to use it as a "bonding" thing (not sure how to explain it correctly)
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report
I don’t think the stepmother should really expect a step grandchild to be named after her.
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report
Forget honoring them with a name, choose a list of names that you love.
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report

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