Baby Name Poll Results

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Uncommon vs vs. Popular

I have always been a firm believer that a baby should have a unique name (nothing weird or strange just uncommon) I’ve been investigating names that aren’t popular at the moment for instance April, Estelle, Verity, Simone, Poppy ect. The problem is Im not in love with any of them I tend to really love names like Sofie, Isobel, Eva, Mia, Zoe....but they are so popular! I don’t know what to do I always thought I would use an uncommon name, what would you do? pick what you love or pick a name that is different? Any suggestions would be great thanks :)

The Top Baby Name is...

Uncommon vs




Poll created: Jul 14, 2013
Total Votes: 2


I used to like a lot of the now popular names but after knowing she will probably be 1 in 5 in her school years I just couldn’t do that to my child after I went through it myself and hated it. Find out what sound or part or appeal of the name that you like and find something similar but more uncommon or a longer version of the name and use the popular name as just a nickname. Like instead of Sophia theres Sophiette or Delphia. For Lily theres Lilena or Lilu. For Isobel theres Isabeau or Bluebell/Annabel. For Mia theres Amelia or Tamia/Mischa.
Get creative! There are tons of beautiful names out there past the top 100!
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report
I personally wouldn’t even use a derivative of an overused name...just use some creativity. I agree 110% with your opening statement, and I have the number 1 name of my birth year...NOT FUN!!


These are not crazy or quirky, just underused, not worn out, and will help her feel like you THOUGHT about it! SOOOO many people on this site say "if you love it, use it!"---CAN YOU SAY: top 20 is the lazy way???
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report
Im the first poster and I agree personally I don’t use different variations either but I figured since she really seemed to love the top names it could work in her favor. I think its lazy too! Most people here a name, love it, and copy cat it for their child, whereas its totally fine to do so its excessive when theres a billion of them and counting! Beautiful names, yes but enough is enough.
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report
I think if you LOVE a popular name, go for it with a unique spelling (but not too wacko!) or nickname. I really like the same style of names that you do, and totally agree that children should each have their OWN name, so here are some on my list:
Amelia nn Mia (or just Mia I love this one sooo much!)
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report
hear a name *
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report
Im not a fan of changing spellings, that doesn’t matter much when your name is called in class and 5 others look back, just makes it trendy which is what you should try to stay away from.
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report
It all depends on what is popular in your area. A name may be in the top ten nation-wide, but maybe those names haven’t really been used much in your area. I agree to go with an uncommon name. I think it’s nice to go with a name that is familiar, or maybe classic, but has just become scarcely used.
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report
You need to pick a name you love or someday you may regret it. Dont worry about uncommon vs. popularity. Use your heart not your head.
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report
I’d say choose what you love, you’re the one who has to say that name every day for the rest of your life. Besides, you can’t predict that April and Poppy won’t suddenly explode into popularity after you use them, seeing as Isobel and Eva were fairly uncommon 20 years ago.
posted by Lauren :: 10 years ago | report

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