Baby Name Poll Results

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Seamus & Sinead vs. Seamus & Saoirse

Seamus is pronounced shay-mus; Sinead pronounced shin-aid; Saoirse is pronounced seer-sha. Which girl name goes best with Seamus? (Or which is least "matchy"/ least too close sounding? Thanks!

The Top Baby Name is...

Seamus & Sinead


Seamus & Saoirse


Poll created: Sep 07, 2013
Total Votes: 8


While I think the second choice is really nice, I would never have said it right without the explanation. I have the same problem with one of my daughter\’s names. Just thought I would mention it because there are times when it gets aggrivating having to say a name over and over until people get it :)
posted by Lynda Bree :: 10 years ago | report

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