Baby Name Poll Results

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Help vs. Please!

So my husband and I decided on the name Atticus Cameron(Cameron being a family name). We have our kids, Jeremy Lucas and Scarlett Madeline, and my son Dillon \"Dill\" Ryan. Now we love Atticus BUT Dill is from to Kill a Mockingbird, and Jeremy is from To Kill a Mockingbird, and so is Atticus. Worst part, my husband is Tom, from to Kill a Mockingbird. What should we do? Any other names like Atticus? Help!

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Poll created: Oct 15, 2013
Total Votes: 0



Honestly though, I never would have put the names together as being from To Kill a Mockingbird. If you love Atticus, go with it! It’s a great name!
posted by Good Luck! :: 10 years ago | report
I’m with the first post I wouldn’t have put the names togeather either. If you love it then use it.
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report
thanks i wouldn’t have either but my friends all told me about it. now i went to the doctor and they said oh you have a theme going on. so far im like asa but my husband is iffy. still looking!
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report
well you gotta keep going now. you cant just stop. haha its really not a huge deal. i doubt many people would actually make the connection.. and if they do, own it. its a great, inspiring book.
posted by afriend :: 10 years ago | report
The name is so beautiful! Go for it!
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report

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