Baby Name Poll Results

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Kotae ??? vs. Kodie ???

Second poll, please comment! It is pronounced "Cody". For a little girl, and we are aiming for one of these two unusual spellings. Advice? Middle name suggestions? Thankyou.

The Top Baby Name is...

Kotae ??? Luther


Kodie ??? Luther


Poll created: Oct 25, 2013
Total Votes: 2


Kodie, if you must. Please consider a more traditional spelling - your daughter will thank you!

My daughters legal name is Dausen. Yes, Dausen pronounced "Dawson". She had trouble spelling it in school, or was always asked twice how to pronounce it (often called "Dowe-sen" or "Dough-sen". We started spelling her name "Dawson" when she was in middle school, and now she prefers her middle name, Eleanor.

Just an example. Consider Cody or Kody.
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report

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