Baby Name Poll Results

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Imogen Lilly vs. nn Molly vs. Too much of a stretch?

I love the name Imogen, and my husband loves the name Molly. Would Molly be too much of a stretch as a nickname for Imogen Lilly? I know that Mo can be a nickname for Imogen, so I was thinking that maybe we could use Molly, especially if we use the middle name Lilly. What do you think? Thank you!

The Top Baby Name is...

Imogen Lilly


nn Molly


Too much of a stretc


Poll created: Dec 07, 2013
Total Votes: 8


Well... I guess a nickname can be whatever you want it to be. But seems a bit of a stretch to me. On the other hand, I’ve never been sure how Molly became a nickname for Mary either. So, maybe it could work.
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report
It’s a bit of a stretch. You can call her whatever you want (my sons came up with their own nicknames - they evolved out of whatever they called themselves when they first began speaking and are almost entirely unrelated to their birth names) but you might get some questions and will be explaining her name a lot. Just be prepared.

Is there a reason you wouldn’t just use the name Molly instead of Lilly?
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report
I agree with the post above - If you names her Imogen Molly you could definitely use that as a nickname. Even if you use Lilly, her name is completely up to you and I can understand how you would get Molly from Imogen.
posted by Guest :: 10 years ago | report
Thanks everyone! I just really like the sound of Imogen Lilly better than Imogen Molly. I was originally thinking of Imogen Felicity but am trying to compromise with hubby.
posted by Poll poster :: 10 years ago | report
Why wouldn’t you just name her Molly? Why pick a name if you’re never going to use it?
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report
I don’t want Molly to be her full name; it’s too cutesy, and she may not like it as a grown woman. And I’m in love with the name Imogen and will likely call her that most of the time.
posted by Poll poster :: 10 years ago | report

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