Baby Name Poll Results

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Ara pn Ar-rah vs. Air-ra vs. Ah -ra

How you you pronounce this? Ar as is are? air? Or ah, as in Arabic?

The Top Baby Name is...

Ara pn Ar-rah




Ah -ra


Poll created: Dec 08, 2013
Total Votes: 6


I would say it either Ar-uh or Air-ruh. I don’t say ah-ra at all if that helps. It goes which ever way you want to pronounce it in this case :) its beautiful any which way though. GL
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report
Are-ah (Ar-uh)... I don’t get how one would get "Air" with the letters Ara. Ar... with an "a" at the end has no "Air" like sound... Ar-uh most definitely.
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report

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