Baby Name Poll Results

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Kenadee Taylor vs. Madisyn Taylor vs. Madeline Paige

These are our favorite names for our baby girl, but we can’t decide! Help! Other suggestions are welcome :)

The Top Baby Name is...

Kenadee Taylor


Madisyn Taylor


Madeline Paige


Poll created: Aug 01, 2014
Total Votes: 23


Madeline has always been a favorite of mine and I think it’s very pretty paired with Paige. I like Kennedy but not the way you have it spelled and not paired with Taylor. Not a fan of Madisyn. GL!
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report
I voted for Madeline Paige, it’s a pretty name and goes well together. My favorite out of them is Kennadee but not with Taylor. Also, I would spell it Kennadi but the spelling is preference. I think the name Kennadee Brooke is pretty.
posted by guest :: 10 years ago | report

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