Baby Name Poll Results

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Valentine Don’t Know vs. Valentine Not Sure

Hey all, I’m looking for a middle name for "Valentine", last name Moore. That’s definently his first name, not changing it no matter what anyone says. That’s his name and it’s final. What middle names do you think would flow nice? Also, what’s the point of a middle name anyway? Why do you give your children middle names? Do they use them? I don’t have a middle name so I don’t know.

The Top Baby Name is...

Valentine Don’t Know Moore


Valentine Not Sure Moore


Poll created: Aug 08, 2008
Total Votes: 0


A middle Name is not neccesary, especially with a name like that it can certainitly stand on its own, then again, if someday he wants to go by something other than Valentine, a traditional middle name would be a good alternative.
posted by sallie :: 15 years ago | report
i don’t have a middle name and i always felt kind of left out because i didn’t have one, when i have kids i guess their middle names will be because i love them but can’t see them as first names, to honour family members, just because the names flow and sound good together, to honour people who are important to me/inspire me, because they have a special meaning, and for me because i have soo many names i love there’s no way i’d be able to use them all if i didn’t give my kids middle names! Middle names for Valentine could be

Valentine Luciano Moore
Valentine Kaden Moore
Valentine James Moore
Valentine Oliver Moore
posted by T1908 :: 15 years ago | report
I like Valentine nn Val. My baby’s dad wanted to make that his middle name but I had other ideas....I like it though its unique.
posted by guest :: 15 years ago | report

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