Baby Name Poll Results

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Is Harper vs. The new vs. Jennifer?

We really love this name, but we know that it is very popular. Do you think it’s like the Jennifer of the 2010s?

The Top Baby Name is...

Is Harper


The new




Poll created: Jan 22, 2015
Total Votes: 1


I don’t think it will be as popular as Jennifer was. I still think Olivia, Sophia, Amelia, and any form of Kylie and Adeline are going to stay more popular.

Harper is cute, so I would say ’go for it!’
posted by Guest :: 9 years ago | report
Maybe not quite as popular as Jennifer. But pretty darned popular, for sure.
posted by guest :: 9 years ago | report
Not as popular as Jennifer, Jennifer was ridiculously common. Maybe like Madison. It seems like every other girl born in my area these days has the first or middle name Harper. Its definitely a hit.
posted by guest :: 9 years ago | report
Who cares if it is? If you love it, use it. You can pick the most unique name you can find and it can still end up in the top 10 names within 5 years, which is why I always encourage parents to pick names they love. Your love for the name and your child will last far longer than a naming trend.

(But, for the record, I don’t think it’s the new Jennifer. Jennifer isn’t a very good name, and Harper is!)
posted by guest :: 9 years ago | report
Harper is a name in the same category as Mackenzie, Nevaeh, and Brooklyn. User trendy, bordering on tacky. I can think of a million other names prettier than Harper. Isn’t it a surname. Harper Johnson? Sounds like a law firm :(
posted by guest :: 9 years ago | report
I’m in the same boat as far as seeing Harper as a surname turned trendy. It also sounds like "harpy" to me, and sort of harsh sounding. If you love it, you are certainly not alone since so many people seem to - but I do think there are a lot of nicer names out there.
posted by guest :: 9 years ago | report

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