Baby Name Poll Results

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Birth name for adopted baby vs. New name for adopted baby vs. Opinions really needed.

My partner and I are in the process of adopting a child. We haven’t had a confirmed baby/child yet, but we were discussing last night what we would do about naming the child if it already had a name when it came to us. We are both torn on if we get a young baby whether to change his or her name to something of our choosing or keep the birth name? Obviously if we get an older child about 1+ we wouldn’t change their name, but what are your opinions on younger babies? Is it right to change their name or should we keep their birth name? Please vote and comment your opinions too, we would really appreciate the opinions and suggestions to help us decide. Thank you in advance!

The Top Baby Name is...

Birth name for adopt


New name for adopted


Opinions really need


Poll created: Jan 28, 2015
Total Votes: 3


I would keep the name the child already has no matter what age he/she is. Unless you just really can’t stand the name the child has. There is also the option of giving the child a nickname instead of changing the name completely.
posted by guest :: 9 years ago | report
In my opinion, even a little over 1 yr it would be okay to change his/her name. You could compromise by keeping part of the birth name (moving it or part of it to the middle name). A name is just a name, no matter what I feel that you and your partner’s love for this child would truly override the child’s original name. If you choose to change it completely, I would just be entirely open and honest as the child grows, and explain why you have chosen to change it. It’s okay not to like a name, but I feel it’s also important to share as much of the child’s culture with them and where they came from so there isn’t a big problem later. (teen years, when they are trying to figure his/her self out) Good luck to you and your partner and thank you for opening your home and heart to better a child’s life!!!
posted by Tara :: 9 years ago | report
I think its okay to change the name of a very young baby,but personally I would then keep the given name in some form (like as a middle name) as a sign of respect to the birth mother and also an acknowledgement of the child’s adoption.
posted by guest :: 9 years ago | report
I think it’s okay to change the name if you really don’t like it or it doesn’t fit the child. A few days ago I was watching a television program and it was about a couple that was adopting twins. The girls had almost the same name, only 1 character was different. The girls made up nicknames for each other and the adoptive parents decided to change their nicknames into first names and the original first names into middle names. I think it’s important to be open to tell the child he/she is adopted and to tell the story behind the name.

Good luck
posted by guest :: 9 years ago | report

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