Baby Name Poll Results

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WDYT of vs. These vs. Boy Names

We have narrowed our list to three names but we want your opinion on them. Christian-We love the name however we are most certainly not Christian and he will not be raised in that that a bad thing? Does it not work if its not Christian related? Second name Lake-we love it but are afraid it might sound weird with a middle name and last name we don’t want it to sound like he is literally a lake. Lastly Talon-our favorite name but how popular is it and will it age well?? Thanks Will and Kate

The Top Baby Name is...





Boy Names


Poll created: Feb 27, 2015
Total Votes: 0


My husband’s name is Christian and he isn’t religious either, nor were his parents. It’s great name. I just really like the sound of it and he’s always liked his name. I prefer it to the other two, which I don’t find as classically appealing.
posted by guest :: 9 years ago | report
I love Lake. I will be calling my daughter Lake. Talon or Lake gmv.
posted by guest :: 9 years ago | report
I vote Christian
posted by guest :: 9 years ago | report
I don’t think the Christian reference matters too much. He may very well end up Christian, even if not raised that way; just as many people are raised Christian and turn away from the religion once older. As parents, we can never really know what road they will take, so I would not put too much weight on that issue.
Lake - Hmmm... I do see your point about It sound like he IS a Lake. I think this might work better as a nn or mn. Christian Lake ??? Sounds like a nice name. :-)
Talon - this simply reminds me of actual talons on birds and for that reason, I am not a fan.
Good luck!
posted by guest :: 9 years ago | report

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