Baby Name Poll Results

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Eva vs. Yes vs. No

I love the name Eva, and really want it for my first child’s name. I am pregnant with my first and am in love with the name. My sister in law is also pregnant, 1 month ahead of me, and wants to name her little girl Ava. This is her third child. Are Eva and Ava too close for cousins?

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Poll created: Apr 01, 2015
Total Votes: 11


They are just fine for cousins. Does the yes mean that Eva is just fine or that they are to close for cousins.
posted by guest :: 9 years ago | report
I would use it if I wanted to no matter what my sister plans on naming her baby.
posted by guest :: 9 years ago | report
I agree that it would probably be fine, but to me it would actually depend on how much Eva and Ava would see each other. If they live in a different state, it would totally be fine. Even if they live in the same town it would probably be fine. But if they would end up going to the same schools, then one of you should probably pick something else. Good luck! (Btw, I love the name Eva too. I also think it’s prettier than Ava ;)
posted by guest :: 9 years ago | report
Those names are really close but I actually grew up having the same name as one of my cousins and it was never a big issue, we went by different nicknames or people would specify my middle name/last initial. If that’s what you want to name your daughter, go for it!
posted by guest :: 9 years ago | report
It depends on how often they’ll see one another. If they’re in different cities and/or will go to different schools, the names aren’t too close.
posted by guest :: 9 years ago | report

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