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Situation with our vs. last son’s name

My husband and I were considering the name Sloan for our 5th son, he will be our last, but my younger brother is getting married to a beautiful woman whose name is Sloane. Back when they were just dating, my husband and I didn’t think this was a problem because we didn’t think they would get married since my brother always claimed he was never going to get married or have kids but that now has changed as he wants both. We are completely heartbroken over this and very angry and upset at my brother as he knew Sloan was our favorite name. My husband is absolutely against using the name now as he doesn’t want our son’s name associate with a woman (nothing against her personality as she is super sweet) in our family. I am still stuck on the name and I know he still loves it. Any advice on what we should do?

The Top Baby Name is...

Situation with our


last son’s nam


Poll created: May 23, 2015
Total Votes: 0


Maybe you should talk it out with her? Or you can always name him Sloane and he can go by his middle name whatever you choose? Hope this helped good luck!
posted by guest :: 8 years ago | report
yeah right, your brother can control who he falls in love with or what her parents named her, get over it. use it as a middle name or find something entirely new to use. honestly, there are better names out there.
posted by guest :: 8 years ago | report
We know we couldn’t control what my brother does but it still sucks since the name is our favorite. I know you and other may think there are better names out there but we don’t think that as we really love this name. I still wish to use the name for my son but my husband is against it.
posted by guest :: 8 years ago | report
How much is your child going to see this woman? If you live in the same area and frequently see each other, then I would avoid using Sloan. But if he is only going to see her twice a year on holidays, than go for it. :)
posted by guest :: 8 years ago | report
I will be seeing her a lot as we live in the same city and we are very close to her and my brother. I am a bridesmaid in her wedding and I think of her as a sister. I just wish her name wasn’t the same as the name I love.
posted by guest :: 8 years ago | report
Use it as a mn
posted by guest :: 8 years ago | report
That is pretty annoying. I’m sorry. :( How bout Solomon NN Sol, or Sean, or Shiloh or something else kind of similar to Sloane?
Or just use it as a middle name.
-poster 4
posted by guest :: 8 years ago | report
We might just think of another name, I hope I can convince my husband to at least use Sloan in the middle. Thank you for the suggestions.
posted by guest :: 8 years ago | report
Name is ugly anyway. Especially for what you call a beautiful woman. That poor girl. Also, she saved your future son from having a terrible name. Just find a new name. Sloane is bland, plain, and very unattractive.
posted by guest :: 8 years ago | report
We don’t find the name ugly at all. Why did you have to be so rude in your comment? We expressed our love our the name and how upset over not being able to use it, yet you decide to make an unnecessary, rude comment. We love Sloan and don’t think of it as bland, plain, or unattractive. My sister in law loves her name and she hasn’t had any problems with it, she has lot of friends and is working professionally. So there’s no poor girl.
posted by guest :: 8 years ago | report
Name him Chance since the darn chance was taken from you to use your favorite name.
posted by guest :: 8 years ago | report
Personally I dislike is for a male, don’t particularly care for it for a female, either, but since it’s not my decision, I agree that maybe it could be used as a middle. Or just use it anyway. So many people are naming their kids names they love, regardless of various situations. Example, first cousins with the same name. Also, so many people are using what some consider feminine on boys, like Eden, Avery, Etc. and so many are naming girls what some consider purely masculine, ex. Sutton, Tyler, Logan. If you both love it, why change it due to circumstances beyond your control?
posted by guest :: 8 years ago | report
LOL. Your in your own words "super angry" at your brother. For what falling in love and having a happy life? You would rather he be single and miserable and not experience any of the joy you and your husband have just so you can use a name? Some people’s priorities are messed up.
posted by guest :: 8 years ago | report

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