Baby Name Poll Results

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Jen-uh-VEE vs. Jen-EE-vee vs. How would you pronounce Genevie?

Hi, we made a poll a little while ago about names for our daughter and one of the ones we are considering is Genevie (no it is not supposed to say Genevieve). We had a few people comment as to whether it was a typo of Genevieve and thought we would explain that it is not and the two pronunciations we found for it are Jen-uh-VEE and Jen-EE-vee. We like them both and haven’t decided which one we want to use if we go with that name. Which one do you like best? ~Sara and Dakota Stanton

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How would you pronounce Genevie?


Poll created: May 24, 2015
Total Votes: 18


I have a friend with this name. She uses the first pronunciation.
posted by cc :: 8 years ago | report
I would say it like Genevieve, just leaving off the final v sound JEN-uh-vee. But I think you will find she is mistaken for Genevieve more times than not.
posted by guest :: 8 years ago | report

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