Baby Name Poll Results

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Help vs. Me vs. Decide

I am the same girl who did the earlier poll...please help me choose between: Alexandra, Cassandra, Celina, Melissa, Roxanna and Talia. Not pregnant, just love these names and want to see if others do. Can you tell me why or why not you like them/dislike them as well so I can get an idea? Thanks so much for helping me!!!

The Top Baby Name is...







Poll created: Apr 03, 2007
Total Votes: 0


I like Alexandra the best... you could sorta combine it and Cassandra and do Alessandra too.
posted by guest :: 17 years ago | report
I like Alexandra and Cassandra the best because they work both for kids and adults. Melissa seems to me to be a name that is suitable for someone under 23, but after that it doesn’t work for me. Celina and Talia both look kind of...hookerish? Talia more so. You’d have to have a lot of personal dignity to carry off those names. Roxanna I don’t have any particular opinion about, but it’s sometimes comical with the wrong last name. If the last name is a noun in English, then it ends up sounding like Rocks and a _____. Rocks and a bridge. Rocks and a hunter. She might marry into a funny combination.
posted by guest :: 17 years ago | report
why do you need two polls that say the same thing???? just asking
posted by kristen :: 17 years ago | report
Sorry, I clicked the poll twice. Mistakes do happen, you know.
posted by guest :: 17 years ago | report

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