Baby Name Poll Results

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Griffin vs. Easton vs. Pierson

Please help! Does Griffin make you think Peter Griffin?

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Poll created: Oct 06, 2015
Total Votes: 17


Interesting point. I hadn’t thought of the TV character until you mentioned it. Characters on the show "Family Guy" do call him "Griffin." That’s a popular show and something to consider, although it might not be popular when your child gets older. Really hard to say, though.
posted by guest :: 8 years ago | report
No, but then I don’t watch Family Guy at all. I actually had to look up Peter Griffin to see who you were talking about.
posted by guest :: 8 years ago | report
My husband watches that show, which is how I know who Peter Griffin is. The show airs in the evenings, so most young kids won’t know who he is but their parents and teachers might.
posted by guest :: 8 years ago | report
The show has been running for 14 seasons so who knows how long it’ll run? It’s animated so the characters don’t age so it could go for a very long time. No offense, but Peter Griffin is portrayed as an overweight guy with not much intelligence.
posted by guest :: 8 years ago | report
LOVE Griffon nn Griff! So incredibly handsome and cool! One of the most attractive names, and so underused!
posted by guest :: 8 years ago | report

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