Baby Name Poll Results

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This isn’t a name poll vs. its more like do other pregnant vs. women feel this way??

This is my 2nd pregnancy and in both I’ve had this problem...scrambled thoughts.... I feel like I’m losing my mind 24/7. I’m mess up when I type...when I talk....I mix things up and get confused easily....has anyone else ever experienced this during pregnancy? With my last pregnancy I actually spelled my name wrong at a Dr. appt and the receponist reminded me every time I came in for like 4 was embarrasing....I just wanted to know it if were just me-Thanks Amanda

The Top Baby Name is...

This isn’t a n


its more like do other pregnant


women feel this way?


Poll created: Oct 05, 2008
Total Votes: 2


it’s normal, dont worry, some suffer more than others. It’s all to do with the hormones i think. Carrying a baby is hard work, on body and brain. As long as you returned to normal after baby was born i wouldnt worry to much. Speak to the doctor next time you see him/her to put your mind at rest. Drink lots of water, eat good food and sleep, go for walks and read when you can. It’s the little things that help. Write things down if you are worried you will forget.
posted by Gia :: 15 years ago | report
It’s pregnancy scatter brain, i do it too all the time. I also cry when grocery shopping and laugh for no reason...It’s all those gosh darn hormones but don’t worry perfectly normal...
posted by melissa :: 15 years ago | report
I was watching a comerical the other day ...I think it was about paint...this women redid a room after her son went to college...and I started crying...I mean CRYING and my husband said what’s wrong and I was like before we know it both our kids will be leaving for college....he busted out laughing asked how I got that from a commerical and then said...Aiden is barely two and you haven’t even given birth to the baby yet...are you okay? Its funny now but at the time I was sooo upset!
posted by Poster :: 15 years ago | report
I did the same kind of stuff during both my pregnancies. It’s completely normal, but if you’re really worried about it mention it to your doctor.
posted by guest :: 15 years ago | report

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