Baby Name Poll Results

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Rilynn vs. Brilynn

There are like Riley and Briley, but ending in Lynn. Her middle name will either be Grace or Elise

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Poll created: May 26, 2016
Total Votes: 11


Reilyn or Reilynn Grace nn Reily if she wants
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
Neither. Riley would be fine. But Rilynn and Brilynn are awful. Made up and ugly. No one is going to want to hire a woman with either of those names and I would hate to have one of them as my name in the first place. Sorry. Riley Elise would be great.
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
Seriously? That comment is rude and uncalled for! If you don’t like the names, don’t participate in the poll! These are very special names to my husband and I. Also I don’t think someone will refuse to hire her because her name.
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
Not a fan.
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
Actually I’ve heard about a study that has shown, and they interviewed quite a few CEOs and owners of different businesses, that if a name is too weird or too hard to pronounce, they will not hire that person. They will literally just throw that person’s application away. They don’t want someone with a super weird name representing their business. So yes, the name can affect her chances of having a job. I definitely wouldn’t want someone named Rilynn or Brilynn representing my professional business, sorry. Riley-Lynn or Riley Lynn would make a cute double first name. Riley Lynn Elise would actually be very nice.
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report

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