Baby Name Poll Results

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Twin Boys vs. Twin B Needs name

We are expecting twin boys and need help with Twin B name. Twin A will be Justin Andrew. We have a short list of J and A names we like and want you to pick the best combo. First name starts with J and middle starts with A. (Family tradition). Thank you!

The Top Baby Name is...

Twin Boys


Twin B Needs name


Poll created: May 27, 2016
Total Votes: 0


Here is the list
Justin Andrew and


posted by guest :: 8 years ago | report
Julian Anthony
posted by guest :: 8 years ago | report
Jackson Anthony
posted by guest :: 8 years ago | report
Jackson Anthony
Jude Andre
posted by : :: 8 years ago | report
Justin Andrew and Julian Alexander/Anthony!! LOVE Justin & Julian
posted by guest :: 8 years ago | report
Jackson Alexander
posted by guest :: 8 years ago | report
Jude Alexander
posted by guest :: 8 years ago | report
Jackson Alexander or Jackson Anthony
posted by guest :: 8 years ago | report

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