Baby Name Poll Results

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Use it vs. Forget it

My husband and I have had our hearts set out on a particular boy’s name. We are not expecting yet but should be trying soon (regardless). I just found out today that one of my friend who is expecting a little boy will be using the same name. She didnt know we had choosen this name for ourselves as we wanted to keep it secret. I told my husband about this today and he is sooo upset. I guess it really mean alot to him. What should we do??

The Top Baby Name is...

Use it


Forget it


Poll created: Oct 16, 2008
Total Votes: 5


Btw the name chosen was a version of his grandfather`s name and his. There is actually a reason we had chosen this name. Just tought id specify that.
posted by Poster :: 15 years ago | report
What name is it? Regardless, you should still use it! If it has a nickname, then you could always call him by something like that, or maybe the middle name.
posted by guest :: 15 years ago | report
My parents’ best friends named their daughter the same name as me. We grew up together and it was no big deal. And they won’t be the same age anyway. Wait and see if you actually have a boy in the future before getting too upset. You may find a name you like better before then, and if not, just tell your friend how you feel. It won’t be as big of a deal as you think.
posted by guest :: 15 years ago | report
who cares ? my mother named her son kyle when she was 2 months pregnant with him, and had been calling him kyle, so she was obviously attached "], then when she was 8 months pregnant, one of her good friends announced that they were pregnant with a baby boy, and had kyle as a set choice for the name. both kyle’s are 8 now and good friends, its kind of cute how they have the same name, and we told them the story of their naming "]

anyways enough babbaling "] So keep the name!! Its not like your sister is naming her kid the same name, or his brother or something, so go for it!! By the way,, what is the name?
posted by xx mandii :: 15 years ago | report
use the name.....its not like its family with the same last have meaning behind it, so use it. Goodluck getting pregnant!
posted by guest :: 15 years ago | report
wich means Louis (both his middle name and his grandfather`s name)

We are french
posted by guest :: 15 years ago | report
Do you hang out with this friend a lot? You can have a talk with this friend and see if they mind you using the same name. Or you can use this particular name as a middle name and find a new first name. I think it depends on how well you know this "friend" and how often you will be hanging out. Just special occasions or a lot? Maybe you can both use the same name but when your children are around each other you can use a nickname to separate the 2.
posted by guest :: 15 years ago | report
You both decided on that name weird "]
posted by Damien :: 15 years ago | report
She`s a casual friend and we also work together, but i see her everyday. I told her today that she was using the same name that me and my husband had set aside. She tought it was a bit weird, since my husband and hers happen to have the same name :S

I’M not sure she would mind too much but my husband is afraid that people will think we copied or that its ’’tacky’’
posted by guest :: 15 years ago | report
Damien: i know, VERY weird... That is why my husband is so disapointed as he was sure nobody would go for that name. I was QUITE surprise myself.
posted by guest :: 15 years ago | report
Yes indeed it does seem an uncommon name. How about just Louis? Or maybe Luc? Or Leon?
posted by guest :: 15 years ago | report
Tx everyone for your honest opinions, I will go get my husband to make him read these. Perhaps he will want to keep it anways.

Tx so much from bottom of my heart. This means more than you could think.
posted by guest :: 15 years ago | report

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