Baby Name Poll Results

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Camden Joseph vs. Ryder Joseph

We want a name that is a bit unique and are curious what you all think of these two combos? Thanks!

The Top Baby Name is...

Camden Joseph C


Ryder Joseph C


Poll created: Aug 25, 2016
Total Votes: 9


I love the name Camden!
If I didn’t already have a Cameron in the immediate family Camden would be at the top of my list for sure!
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
Well, they aren’t unique -- they are trendy.
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
Camden is much nicer, though I wouldn’t consider it unique. But why is having a "unique" name all that important anyway. If you are the only person with a name no one has ever heard of, things will be challenging at times. I’d go with a name that is not likely to have repeats in his kindergarten class but is still somewhat on the radar for most people.
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report

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