Baby Name Poll Results

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Vivian vs. Ruby vs. Colette

Thanks all.

The Top Baby Name is...

Vivian Carter


Ruby Carter


Colette Carter


Poll created: Oct 24, 2016
Total Votes: 17


I like all of your names so it was hard to choose. In the end, I picked the name which flows the best with your surname: Ruby. Ruby is one of those rare names that has three qualities: spunk, sass and sweetness.

Ruby Vivian Carter would be a lovely choice.

Good luck!
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
Thank you, poster 1! We’re considering a version of Elizabeth (Elise, Eliza, Eloise, etc.) for her middle name. Thoughts??
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
I love Ruby Elyse. I really dislike Vivian and Colette is a little dated to me.
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
Colette. It sounds nice. My cousin has a cousin on her dad’s side named Colette.
posted by Kiki :: 7 years ago | report
Ruby Eloise
posted by Sherry :: 7 years ago | report

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