Baby Name Poll Results

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Little girl’s vs. name

Little girl’s name is in honor of my grandmother Lucille (hiring in first name) and my husband’a grandmother Della (honoring in middle name). Our names will be in first comment, please pick your favorites. Thank you! ~Maeve

The Top Baby Name is...

Little girl’s




Poll created: Oct 28, 2016
Total Votes: 0


We are going to honor Lucille in her first name, and Della in her middle name, but we do love some of names honoring Della for her first name (those will have a *). If you like them for a first name as well, please pair with name honoring Lucille.

Lucille (middle name Theodora):
Lucia (Lu-see-ah)
Louisa (Lou-e-sah)
Lula (potentially nickname for the above names as well)
Thea (from her middle name)
Celia (too much of a stretch?)
Callie (same as Celia? also this is what she wanted my name to be)

Della (middle name Gwen):
Delilah (too much of a stretch?)
Pearl (Della loved pearls)
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
Love Eloise, Lousia and Thea

Pearl is sweet as a middle name.
Adore Nellie as a first
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
Celia Delilah
Lucia pearl
Thea Gwendolyn
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
Most of these I find to be a really big stretch. Lucia works for me because it is actually related to the name Lucille. Adele kind of works because you could easily derive Della as a nickname from it. Pearl also appeals because of Della’s love of pearls. So either Lucia Adele or Lucia Pearl would be my choice.
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
Lucia Gwendolyn
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
I like the stretches you’re making to honor two special people. Sometimes it’s enough that the person (and her name) inspired another name. It still honors the person, without an exact duplication of her name. From your list, I like many:

Lucille Theodora
Lucia Delilah
Louisa Adele (Adela from Della)
Thea Lucille
Thea Louise
Celia (too much of a stretch? NO, it’s great)
Delilah (too much of a stretch?NO, it’s great)
Delilah Louise
Delilah Lucille
Delilah Theodora
Adele Louise
Gwyneth* (I love this as a first name)
Gwyneth Delilah
Gwyneth Lucille
Gwyneth Adele
Gwendolyn Lucille
Gwendolyn Louise
Gwendolyn Adele
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
Lucia Adele
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report

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