Baby Name Poll Results

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Aria Colleen vs. Aria Crimson vs. Aria Catarina

Hi everyone :) so colleen is my partners first choice but i have a friend named colleen and that makes me less keen on it, however, shes not a very close friend so i would still consider it as it is such a beautiful name. I personally prefer crimson though but have noticed nobody voting for it. if anyone would please leave a comment on why Aria Crimson doesn’t sound good to them, it might bring me to my senses haha. i was previously set on aria cataleya but someone pointed out that it sounds like cattle layer which put me off of that haha thanx :)

The Top Baby Name is...

Aria Colleen Eastcott


Aria Crimson Eastcott


Aria Catarina Eastcott


Poll created: Dec 05, 2016
Total Votes: 12


Combine Colleen and Catarina to get Aria Catalina. It has nice flow to me!
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
Personally I think Crimson sounds better as a first name rather than a middle name. I agree that Aria Catalina flows better! Less of the -r sound. :)
posted by A+P :: 7 years ago | report
Aria Colleen is simply stunning! Crimson just doesn’t sound like a name to me, and I don’t think it has a particularly attractive sound. If you like the sound then make Aria Kristen or Aria Christine. If it’s the color that you like, then I think Aria Scarlett or Aria Violet would be much prettier.
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
I like Aria Colleen. Colleen is such a lovely classic and it flows beautifully with Aria. Crimson is just sort of weird in my opinion, and Aria Catarina doesn’t flow well.
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report

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