Baby Name Poll Results

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Chayton Alexander vs. Yes vs. No

We are strongly considering the name Chayton for our little guy who’s due to arrive in a few short weeks. His nickname will be Chay (like Shae but with the chuh instead of shuh sound). He’ll be joining big sisters Eloise Violet (Ellie) and Adelina Danielle (Addie). Thanks!

The Top Baby Name is...

Chayton Alexander Cormac


Yes Cormac


No Cormac


Poll created: Dec 10, 2016
Total Votes: 11


I like it. We considered Chayton for our son, too. The main downside we saw to it was that people would often mistake it for Clayton when we mentioned it to them. But it’s a nice name (so is Clayton).
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report

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