Baby Name Poll Results

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Ezra Ryan vs. Carson Scott vs. Xavier John

Please vote your favorite. Opinions and suggestions are welcome.

The Top Baby Name is...

Ezra Ryan


Carson Scott


Xavier John


Poll created: Jan 20, 2017
Total Votes: 17


It depends on how you’re planning on pronouncing Xavier. The letter X at the beginning of a word makes the Z sound, not ecks- or igs-. How do you pronounce xylophone? Igs-eye-luh-fone? Nope, zie-luh-fone. Same with Xerox. It’s zeer-Ivka, not igs-see-ocks. If you’re planning on pronouncing Xavier like ZAY-vee-er, that gets my vote, but if you’re planning on pronouncing it like igs-ay-vee-er like the X-Men character who isn’t real, than my vote would definitely go to Ezra!
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report

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