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let him call us vs. mommy and daddy or vs. correct him

Hello again internet moms. I wanted one more set of opinions because I’m still not 100% sure on how to handle this. No one seemed to think this was "off-topic" yesterday so hopefully you don’t mind us posting this. We currently have custody of our nephew, who is a toddler. Recently, the past week or so, he’s started to call us "mama and daddy". A lot of friends and family think it cute, but we’re not sure. is this weird? especially since his actual parents are family members of ours? Should we not let him call us this? He’s a toddler so he doesn’t really understand what’s going on fully. Should we correct him to "aunty ___ or uncle___" whenever he calls us that or leave it be? Will he grow out of it you think? Is it harmless and fine? He also calls his real parents "other mommy" and "other daddy" like when we talk about them or visit etc. I want some outside opinions other than my family. PS we have two other children who are 12 and 14 so he is probably hearing it from them. thanks!

The Top Baby Name is...

let him call us


mommy and daddy or


correct him


Poll created: Feb 10, 2017
Total Votes: 3


Its fine! And plus I think it will make him feel more apart of the family!
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
Will you always have custody? Is it temporary? What do the Social Workers suggest?
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
There maybe Facebook support groups that have more experience and insight. GL.
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
Honestly I think it’s a little odd. Since you are his actual aunt and uncle and he is your nephew, correct him. It’s totally different if you were to have no blood relation to him. But since you are already his aunt and uncle I think it would be super weird for him to call you mommy and daddy.
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
I highky suggest you to not let him call you mama and daddy, especially if his birth parents are relatives and they are still alive. He needs to know that you are his aunt and uncle, and later you can explain to him why you have him and not his actual parents.
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
He definitely hears it from your kids! But even at young ages children can absorb what’s going on to some degree. I’d say to kindly, sone times silly, sometimes seriously reply Auntie will get you milk, etc. Keep reiterating it. Because if you do have custody forever it’s best to always be up front and he will eventually put it all together. It’s wonderful you’re doors and hearts are open to him.
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
I think if it is only temporary you should definitely correct him.
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
In foster situations, you gently correct. So if you aren’t going to adopt or his parents parental rights aren’t terminated, I would gently correct.
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
If it’s temporary correct him, but if you are planning on raising him then let him call you mommy and daddy. If you are raising him, then that’s what you are. You’ll be the ones to teach him right and wrong and love him unconditionally.
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
If he calls his parents mom and dad too
Tell him your auntie and uncle.
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
Hi all. In a perfect world, its temporary, but we really don’t know at this point. We’ve had him for almost 5 months now so we have been raising him. We would love to see his parents regain their parental rights one day, but we don’t know as of right now. -original poster
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
should we tell our kids to refer to us when talking to him as auntie and uncle? like "lets go see what your auntie made for you?" -poster
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
Have you talked to his parents about how they feel about it? Not sure of the situation, but I picture my kids calling someone else mom and dad, even relatives, and I don’t think that would go over well. It could create an awkward scenario if they regain custody and resent that you didn’t at least attempt to correct him.
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
Personally, I think that you need to bring this up with your case worker. I’m not sure how old he is, but, if he’s really young, it might be that he sees you as his parents.

It really depends his age. For now, I would gently remind him that you are his aunt and uncle and that his cousins are your children and can call you mommy and daddy. Make sure that the kids know to help correct him.
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
Also, do the other parents have visitation? If he does not really see them and you are taking care of him, than it’s possible that he doesn’t see them as his parents. Like I said, you really need to talk to your case worker, because this is actually more complicated than it seems
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
I agree with the above, that there must be a social worker you are dealing with who has experience in this. I can’t see how it would hurt to let him, it’s just a title after all and he knows he has another mommy and daddy but you are the ones raising him.
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
Will you be adopting him or is it temporary? If you are adopting him, it is definitely okay for him to call you that! If his biological parents will be regaining custody, I would probably stick with aunt and uncle.
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report
Correct him if he is not staying and let him keep it if he is staying
posted by guest :: 7 years ago | report

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