Baby Name Poll Results

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Sinclair vs. Guinevere vs. Jasper

Which name do you like best for baby girl? Thanks.

The Top Baby Name is...

Sinclair Smith


Guinevere Smith


Jasper Smith


Poll created: Mar 23, 2017
Total Votes: 18


Sinclair and Jasper scream all boy.

Guinevere is the only option provided for a girl. So, what's the reason for this poll?
posted by Guest :: 7 years ago | report
I prefer Jasper and Sinclair for a girl. For me they are real options. The reason for he poll is to help me decide... Thank you for your opionion but no need to be rude just because it's not your style.
posted by Poster :: 7 years ago | report
How about Sloane!
posted by Guest :: 7 years ago | report
Poster 1 wasn't rude. Just expressing her opinion. Expressing an opinion that is different isn't rude, it is just life. Most people will agree with her about Jasper. I know I do. However I love Sinclair.
posted by Guest :: 7 years ago | report
I wasn't saying she was being rude by saying she thinks they are boy names. I completely expected that reaction from most people. But exactly how is saying "so what's the reason for this poll?" an opinion? Seems a little inconsiderate and unnecessary to me. That's all.
posted by Poster :: 7 years ago | report
When people do polls with really different style of names. Really feminine and really masculine, then it looks like you just want everyone to validate your really feminine choice. Nearly a 100% of the vote to Guinevere. Not saying that is what you are going for but it isn't unheard of on the site to have one really good choice and two from left field because the parent has already decided and just wants strangers to say good name choice.
posted by Guest :: 7 years ago | report
I really like Guinevere so voted for that

I also like Sinclair, and while I possibly prefer for a boy I do think it would work for a girl. Just not keen on the alliteration with your surname!

I do love jasper on a boy
posted by F :: 7 years ago | report

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