Baby Name Poll Results

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How can you tell a name will be trendy? vs. What are the signs?

What makes a name trendy? How do you know a name is going to be trendy?

The Top Baby Name is...

How can you tell a n


What are the signs?


Poll created: Nov 10, 2008
Total Votes: 2


Ys that aren’t necessary, misspellings, something that is HUGE one year that people would have laughed at 5 years previous (like boy names for girls)...unfortunately, when some names go from unheard of to really popular (like Sienna or Cadence) they just become trendy.
posted by guest :: 15 years ago | report
So a name that has only been in the top 1,000 names for 10-12 years would be considered trendy? The names I like are all right around 500 in the top names now and have been in the top for about 10-12 years. I have been told they are trendy by people on here. I thought trendy was super popular...and pretty much names like you described above. I’m confused..the names I like are not mispelled at all but they are last names used for first names. Thanks for your help
posted by poll maker :: 15 years ago | report
What names are they? J.D
posted by guest :: 15 years ago | report
If a name is on a popular TV show it’s almost bound to become a trend for example-Addison came from Grey’s Anantomy I believe and I’ve been hearing that name everywhere lately.just like Brandon and Dylan from 90210 in the 90’s and Kayla from Days of Our Lives in the 80’s.
posted by guest :: 15 years ago | report

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