Baby Name Poll Results

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Presley vs. Delaney

What do you think of these two names? MN suggestions welcome. Thanks!

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Poll created: Nov 22, 2008
Total Votes: 10


I can never think of presley without thinking of Elvis. Delaney on the other hand is without such baggage and it’s a fantastic name.

Delaney James
Delaney Broderick
Delaney Rafferty
Delaney Roarke
Delaney Rockwell
posted by claudia :: 15 years ago | report
I assumed these were for girls.guess the other person thought it was boys-
Delaney Rose or Delaney Kate.I like the short middle name with it.
posted by guest :: 15 years ago | report
Um. I thought girl too. I dislike presley.. but love delaney. (for a girl) Def on of my fave names, but DH hates it. :D. I like Delaney Kate and Delaney Claire. Somethings simple and monosyllabic, but girly too.
posted by guest :: 15 years ago | report
Delanly for a girl! Presley for a boy!
posted by Hello :: 15 years ago | report
I’m afried I’ll have to say only Delaney. Presley is my maiden name and i’m very protective of it.
Dalaney Grace
posted by guest :: 15 years ago | report
I’m using Delaney too and have probelms with a mn. The short makes since (like Kate) but I like some longer ones too...
Delaney Paige
Delaney Faith
Delaney Drew
Delaney Justine
Delaney Caprice
Delaney Alise
Delaney Eve
Delaney Frances
Delaney Lucille

Good Luck and please post what you end up choosing!!
posted by guest :: 15 years ago | report

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