Baby Name Poll Results

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Eliza & Nora vs. Opinions?

What are people's opinions on the names Eliza and Nora? We love them so much but the few we've told them to have gave us bad feedback saying they was "ugly/unattractive, dated and trashy" so I wanted some outside feedback. Thank you.

The Top Baby Name is...

Eliza & Nora




Poll created: Aug 16, 2018
Total Votes: 4


I don't think the names are trashy at all. Personally, they're not my style, but I don't find them ugly or trashy. I've seen the name Nora on this site quite a bit, and it always seems to get a lot of love. So I wouldn't worry about people not liking that name. I think the name is sweet. As for Eliza, I'm not really a huge fan, but it's not trashy or ugly. Maybe a bit dated, but not trashy or ugly. Best of luck.
posted by Guest :: 5 years ago | report
I don't think they're ugly or trashy. Nora has been popping up on these poll sites a lot lately and Eliza is a fresh form of the overused Elizabeth. I think they're pretty & go well together.
posted by HappyNaming :: 5 years ago | report
They're more vintage style names, so may well be considered dated by those who prefer Bryn and Kyla for example.
However this style of name (and these two exact names) are very popular, So you'll also find heaps of people who like them.

For myself, I love how spunky Eliza is, but go backwards and forwards on whether I like Nora, or if it makes me think of gnawing on something
posted by Guest :: 5 years ago | report

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