Baby Name Poll Results

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malaki drake vs. kalvin thomas

if there are any other middle names that would go great with these two first names, please don't be scared to share! or if there are first names that are similar to these two that would be great also.

The Top Baby Name is...

malaki drake delaney


kalvin thomas delaney


Poll created: Dec 05, 2022
Total Votes: 13


I would much prefer Kalvin with the C spelling Calvin Thomas would be really handsome!
But even if you are set on the K it still gets my vote over Malaki.
posted by Guest :: 1 year ago | report
Maybe Galvin. That way it won't be misspelled.
posted by Nell :: 1 year ago | report
Malaki is pronounced malachi, it's just a different spelling* but i'll consider the C for calvin because my fist name starts with a C- I just wanted a change it up a little bit
posted by cdelaney23 :: 1 year ago | report
I also like Calvin with C instead of the K. I'm not fond of Malakai.. Malaki makes me think of a villain's name for some reason? (That could be the four years of French I took... "mal" means "bad" in French, so names that start with "mal"makes me think of villains, like Maleficent ... or words meaning lack of something, like malnutrition. 🙃 Sorry! I'm weird, LOL.
posted by DragonflySparrow :: 1 year ago | report

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