Baby Name Poll Results

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Anderson vs. Luka vs. Corey

Anderson is after dad, Corey is after me, and Luka is just a name we like. Big brothers are Andrew Aaron Jr and Aaron Axel.

The Top Baby Name is...







Poll created: Apr 02, 2024
Total Votes: 18


I like Anderson, but its too close to Andrew.
posted by Guest :: 3 months ago | report
I agree with above. Luka Corey would gmv. So handsome.
posted by Mak :: 3 months ago | report
I think Corey is great. With the big brothers both named after dad, it's time to name a kid after mom! :)
posted by Guest :: 3 months ago | report
Go with Corey

Anderson is too close to Andrew

Corey Anderson would be nice
posted by V :: 3 months ago | report
Corey is cute!
posted by Guest :: 3 months ago | report
Corey Anderson if you want to tie in Dad's name yet again.
posted by Guest :: 3 months ago | report

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