Baby Name Poll Results

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For a girl: Please select your favorite out of each grouping. (Burgess or Burnis), (Jadis/Jaydis, Jordis, Cordis or Joris), (Travies, Trevis, Taras, or Taris)

The Top Baby Name is...





Poll created: May 15, 2024
Total Votes: 0


Just a bunch of random surnames but I think Jadis is a legit feminine name so it gmv.
posted by NameHog :: 2 months ago | report
Tara without the S. These names are pretty bad for a girl.
posted by Guest :: 2 months ago | report
^^Incorrect. Your names are not the same 50 "American" sounding names polled on here every day but they are all legitimate first names that are utilized outside of the US. I know a couple of them are usually used on males but all kinds of names are unisex.
Burgess, Trevis,and I like all in the middle ()
posted by Guest88 :: 2 months ago | report
@Guest88, I think it's great if you're familiar with many of these names! I myself recognize most of them as surnames w/the feminine exception I mentioned. Perceptions differ 🤷🏻‍♀️
posted by NameHog :: 2 months ago | report
My perception is masculine sounding names
posted by Guest :: 2 months ago | report
My perception is anyone named Burgess, male or female, and that isn't their last name… I pity them.
posted by Guest :: 2 months ago | report
Tara or Jordan if you reside in US.
posted by Mary :: 2 months ago | report
Stop please absolutely fake and annoying
posted by Vvvv bvv :: 2 months ago | report
If you don't like it then don't answer. It's as simple as that.
posted by Guest :: 2 months ago | report
posted by Guest :: 2 months ago | report
Dont be ridiculous, if youre going to do fake polls at least make them at least marginally believable.
posted by Guest :: 2 months ago | report

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